Further Hard Drop on its way!

For those of you asking for additional material, there is indeed more on the way. I’m putting together the second book in the series, titled Hard Drop: After the Storm. As we speak. I’m past the rough outlining stage and in the portion of my writing cycle where I’m itching to get pen to paper, so you can expect things to accelerate in a hurry.

But, if you can’t wait that long, there will likely be a few short novellas to catch you up on the origin stories of some of the crew (departed and otherwise) from the first novel.

Specifically, the plan is to write both sequels in prequels, likely first the sequel, then a prequel with the previous characters, so you learn a bit more about the story and the backgrounds as we go (as do I!).

In the meantime, would love your comments – come find me on Twitter (vandervaartwill) or on Facebook at the Hard Drop page, or drop me a line on Gmail. I’m also on Reddit occasionally, although in the interest of actually putting metaphorical pen to paper I’m trying to keep that to a minimum right now.